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A Witchs Runes: How To Make And Use Your Own Magick Stones

作者: Susan Sheppard

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The modern witch is a gentle spirit who isn’t afraid to follow her own path. A creative who fashions her own runes instead of buying them off the rack possesses a special divinatory tool that contains her own spiritual magick. Because they are more personal than the usual stones available in stores, homemade runes allow a witch to be truly creative and intuitive in her readings and castings.

A Witch’s Runes teaches you how to make your own runes by finding just the right 13 stones, purifying them in the moonlight, and carefully painting them with beautiful symbols whose ancient meanings are rich and varied. This book teaches you how to do readings that are infused with personal meaning and how to cast spells and blessings. Witch’s runes are a gift you give to yourself.
  • Size:212 pages
價格: $240 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $216 HKD
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貨品編號: 01894
出版商/廠商: Kensington Publishing Corporation

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