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A Practical Guide to the Lenormand Oracle Cards

作者: Christine Renner

[本產品有 1 位會員收藏]

A Practical Guide to the Lenormand Oracle Cards is a highly accessible and practical manual, in which relevant card combinations are clear from the very word go. Each of the 36 Lenormand cards is combined with the other 35 cards of the deck. That way, the individual significance of each card, when combined with the other cards, is immediately evident. Keywords and short quotes describe the significance of the relevant cards in all 36 combinations. Christiane Renner walks you through the mysteries of the world famous Lenormand oracle. She makes learning easy with diagrams and keywords illustrating her teaching. Master the system and the card meanings and you will be doing practical, clear readings in no time.

A Practical Guide to the Lenormand Oracle Cards is not only an excellent beginner's book, it is, also, indispensable as a resource tool for the more advanced 'fortune teller.'
  • Size:48 pages
價格: $280 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $252 HKD
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貨品編號: 09525
出版商/廠商: Lo Scarabeo
產品出版地: 意大利

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