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Sol Invictus: God Tarot

作者: Kim Huggens, Nic Phillips
Explore the myths, legends, and folklore found in Tarot cards, as well as descriptions of how to use and read the cards. Each card’s symbolism and mythology is explained in depth, referencing original sources of the legends so that you can discover more yourself. Several original Tarot spreads are included for use with The God Tarot, inspired by the deck itself and the many mythologies and Gods explored in its cards.

• 78 original and colorful tarot cards
• Special instructive manual providing interpretations and symbolism, including myths and divine aspects, and 10 revealing layouts for successful tarot spreads.
  • Size:78 cards, 6" x 11.5"
價格: $680 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $612 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 09306
出版商/廠商: Red Feather Publishing

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地址: 香港銅鑼灣渣甸街54-58號富盛商業大廈10樓B室(地鐵站F1出口) (地圖)
營業時間: 14:00 - 20:00 (逢星期二、三休息)
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