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The Hoodoo Bible • The 7-in-1 Root Doctor’s Companion To Black Folk Magic: Herb And Rootwork, Conjure Oils And Mojo Bags, Easy And Advanced Spells, Candle Magic And Divination To Get Your Mojo Workin’

作者: Mama Marie
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 2-4 星期到貨。

Would you like to find a way into the lost world and forgotten art of Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure?

Are you looking for a modern guide on traditional African-American folk magic to cast powerful spells, craft conjuring oils and mojo bags, and build mighty altars to guarantee positive outcomes in your love life and professional endeavors?

Hoodoo was born out of sorrow and desperation, as a weapon and a defense, from the faith and resilience of the African slaves that adapted their religious tradition to the treacherous New World. As the world changed, Hoodoo adapted incorporating Native American herbal healing traditions and European religions and magical traditions, building a syncretic powerful folk magic system that works!

First prohibited, then ridiculed and commodified, Hoodoo has always been shrouded in secrecy and passed on quietly from generation to generation for fear of reprisal, contempt, and abuse and to this day is hard to find reputable sources on conjure and Rootwork. But don’t be discouraged!

I am proud to present The Hoodoo Bible: The 7-in-1 Root Doctor’s Companion to Black Folk Magic: an in-depth, all-encompassing, powerful 7-books-in-1 bundle that has recorded our rich heritage of herbal magic, traditional rootwork, and divination practices.

More exhaustive than any other book on the market, thoroughly researched and written with ease of use in mind, The Hoodoo Bible will accompany you through the spiritual path that our ancestors have beaten for us to explore the potent and practical magic of Hoodoo to claim justice, invoke protection, and find love, luck, and success.

With over 1000 authentic Hoodoo workings, these seven volumes will bring Hoodoo alive to budding rootworkers and adept practitioners alike:
- The first volume will explore the history, culture, principles, fundamentals, and ethics of Hoodoo, giving you the theoretical groundwork you need to master the craft.
- With the second volume the fun really begins! This practical how-to Hoodoo guide for beginners has everything you need to start practicing Rootwork and Conjure.
- By the end of the third volume, you can start to call yourself a Root Doctor. With 275+ magical herbs, roots, spices, and curios, this book will help you craft powerful conjuring oils, spiritual baths and floor washes, magical teas and tonics, herb bundles and garlands to accomplish amazingly mighty Rootwork.
- In the fourth volume you will find 30+ money spells, 25+ love spells, fertility spells, healing spells, and justice spells, with easy step-by-step instructions including a special chapter on inscribed spells and a complete guide on crossroads spells.
- The fifth volumedelves into advanced spellcasting and conjure, teaching you how to conjure spirits, protect your home, banish your enemies, get revenge, and lay sneaky tricks. It includes a special chapter on graveyard spells and foot track magic.
- In the sixth volumeyou will explore Hoodoo divination with step-by-step techniques for bone throwing, dice casting, and Hoodoo tarot. With a special chapter on dream divination and omens.
- The seventh and last volume explores candle magic. This complete guide will teach you how to build an altar and use the magic of fire and the psalms to achieve your goals, be it money, success, luck, or love.

Applying Hoodoo magic to everyday life will help you achieve your goals in your private and professional life and along the way you will discover that working the roots has also sharpened your intuition, enriched your life, and prepared you for whatever may come your way.

So are you ready to discover the lost world and forgotten art of Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure?
  • Size:332 pages
價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
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貨品編號: 11875
出版商/廠商: Zeitgeist

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