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Glass Roller Bottle With Gemstone Roller Balls
Roll-on Bottle Size: 20mm x 85mm
Capacity: 5ml
Clear Glass Roll-on Bottle, Bamboo Lids
Material: Glass, gemstone, plastic, bamboo

●Bamboo lids, no scratched and dents compared with metal cover, more simple and elegant
●Beautiful color roller ball: Red Jasper, Tiger Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Colorful Fluorite, Rose crystal, Amethyst, Clear Crystal, Green Aventurine, Black Obsidian, Sodalite
●Easy to use, conveniently refillable, comfortable to use
●Safe, secure and convenient packaging - All bottles are packed in a small carton and protected with pearl foam to prevent shock and prevent bottles from colliding with each other

●●●Use maintenance advice:
1. The roller bottle contains small parts, please stay away from your baby and children to avoid swallowing and choking
2. Before using these bottles, or after use, it is recommended that you wash them with warm water or soapy water, then rinse with water, and then dried by wind
3. Glass Roll-on Bottle and Crystal, try to avoid long-term exposure to the sun.
4. Natural crystal spar, it is inevitable that there will be ice cracks and impurities, which is normal
5. Natural gemstones have chromatic aberration, which is unavoidable, I hope to get your understanding
  • Size:5ml
  • 顏色:天河石、紫水晶、黑曜石、白水晶、綠東陵玉、青金石、紅瑪瑙、粉晶、草莓晶
價格: $98 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $88.00 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 12364

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