The Goetia: The Lesser Key Of Solomon The King: Lemegeton - Clavicula Salomonis Regis
Author(s): Aleister Crowley, Hymenaeus Beta, Samuel Liddell, MacGregor Mathers |
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Product Descrpition: Since classical Greece, Goetia has meant `low` magic as distinct from the high magic of theurgy. It is `applied` rather than `pure` magic, addressing practical human concerns - from obtaining advancement and wealth to finding love and knowledge. Written in the English vernacular rather than the Latin of the scholars, further evidence of the popular character of this grimoire. Illustrated, with some fine-art nudity.
Price: $320 HKD VIP Member Price: $288 HKD [How to become a VIP]
Product Code: 01749 Publisher(s): Weiser Books
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